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Psihoterapia copiilor si adolescentilor Acum 10 ani, 7 luni
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Psihoterapia copiilor si adolescentilor Acum 10 ani, 7 luni
Kids With ADHD More Likely to Abuse Drugs: Analysis – (ADHD) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Cause, Diagnosis, HistoryUse our Advanced Search to locate a therapist outside of North America. -
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Psihoterapia copiilor si adolescentilor Acum 10 ani, 7 luni
Talking to your babies could help them do better at schoolThe rate at which children learn language varies substantially from child to child. Some children show rapid vocabulary growth before they go to school, while… -
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Psihoterapia copiilor si adolescentilor Acum 10 ani, 7 luni
Health Tip: Communicate With an ADHD Child – (ADHD) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Cause, Diagnosis, HistoryUse our Advanced Search to locate a therapist outside of North America. -
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Psihoterapia copiilor si adolescentilor Acum 10 ani, 8 luni
Cool at 13, Adrift at 23 – NYTimes.comAt 13, they were viewed by classmates with envy, admiration and not a little awe. The girls wore makeup, had boyfriends and went to parties held by older students. The boys boasted about sneaking beers on a Saturday night and… -
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Psihoterapia copiilor si adolescentilor Acum 10 ani, 8 luni
Seeing Sons’ Violent Potential, but Finding Little Help or Hope by Benedict Carey in The New York Times on June 21, 2014.
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Psihoterapia copiilor si adolescentilor Acum 10 ani, 8 luni
Parents Should Read to Kids Starting in Infancy, Docs SayParents should read to their children often, and start well before the kids enter school, according to a new statement from the nation’s largest group of pediatricians. -
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Psihoterapia copiilor si adolescentilor Acum 10 ani, 8 luni
Thirteen in Years, but 10 or 15 in Thoughts and Action – NYTimes.comGather together a random assortment of 13-year-olds, and you’ll likely find yourself looking at a group o… -
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Psihoterapia copiilor si adolescentilor Acum 10 ani, 8 luni
As Antidepressant Warnings Toughened, Teen Suicide Attempts Rose: Study – Depression Resources, Education About Depression and Unipolar DepressionUse our Advanced Search to locate a therapist outside of North America. -
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Psihoterapia copiilor si adolescentilor Acum 10 ani, 8 luni
The diary of Lena Mukhina: An important document on the Leningrad blockade – World Socialist Web SiteA year ago, the Munich-based Graf company published the diary of Lena Mukhina in German. Mukhina had witnessed as a student the first year of the German… -
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Psihoterapia copiilor si adolescentilor Acum 10 ani, 8 luni
A Collaborative Approach To Pediatric Depression, Anxiety | Therapy SoupWe’re following up with pediatric occupational therapist Miriam Manela, who specializes in behavioral issues, whom we interviewed e… -
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Psihoterapia copiilor si adolescentilor Acum 10 ani, 8 luni
Running on Empty: Overcome Your Childhood Emotional Neglect | Psych CentralSometimes one has the pleasure of reading a book that provides genuine insight and discusses a concept previously unnamed. Running on Empty:… -
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Psihoterapia copiilor si adolescentilor Acum 10 ani, 8 luni
Moving during childhood linked to increased schizophrenia risk
Moving during childhood linked to increased…32 notes -
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Psihoterapia copiilor si adolescentilor Acum 10 ani, 8 luni
Teaching Children to Do Hard Things | Psych CentralA child and his grandfather are at the playground. There is a high teepee set up with ropes and it looks challenging for the 3-year-old boy. His grandfather invites him to climb it. -
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Psihoterapia copiilor si adolescentilor Acum 10 ani, 8 luni
Get the Kids Off Those Screens | Psych CentralIt’s probably not new information for you. American children are now spending more time on the “screens” in their lives than on any other single activity. -
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Psihoterapia copiilor si adolescentilor Acum 10 ani, 8 luni
Anxiety May Affect KidsUse our Advanced Search to locate a therapist outside of North America. -
PSY CONSULTANCY C.I.P. s-a alăturat grupului
Psihoterapia copiilor si adolescentilor Acum 10 ani, 8 luni
Maria A. s-a alăturat grupului
Psihoterapia copiilor si adolescentilor Acum 10 ani, 8 luni
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Psihoterapia copiilor si adolescentilor Acum 10 ani, 8 luni
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Psihoterapia copiilor si adolescentilor Acum 10 ani, 8 luni
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