Pentru toti cei interesati de cum functioneaza mintea criminala si experti in domeniu.
Mariș Mihaela s-a alăturat grupului
Psihologie Judiciara Acum 8 ani, 5 luni
Gavrila Angelica s-a alăturat grupului
Psihologie Judiciara Acum 9 ani, 11 luni
Ilinca Brindusa Radoanca s-a alăturat grupului
Psihologie Judiciara Acum 10 ani, o lună
PsihoterapeutElena Florea s-a alăturat grupului
Psihologie Judiciara Acum 10 ani, 4 luni
Victor s-a alăturat grupului
Psihologie Judiciara Acum 10 ani, 8 luni
Maria Diana s-a alăturat grupului
Psihologie Judiciara Acum 10 ani, 8 luni
Andrei M. Ludosan a postat o actualizare în grupul
Psihologie Judiciara Acum 10 ani, 8 luni
Curs practic de autohipnoza la Iasi pe 28-29 iunie 2014
Detalii gasiti aici -
Andrei M. Ludosan a postat o actualizare în grupul
Psihologie Judiciara Acum 10 ani, 10 luni
In weekendul 17-18 mai voi sustine cursul „Invata Autohipnoza” la Timisoara.
Astept cu drag inscrierile voastre! -
Andrei M. Ludosan a postat o actualizare în grupul
Psihologie Judiciara Acum 10 ani, 10 luni
Pe 10 si 11 mai va invit la Brasov sa participati la cursul practic „Invata autohipnoza”, o metoda moderna pentru omul modern.
Va astept cu drag!
INVATA AUTOHIPNOZA este un curs practic de doua zile si primul modul al Programului „Dezvoltare Hipnotica”. Cursul isi propune sa te invete autohipnoza si autosugestia, tehnici de relaxare si de reo…[Citește mai mult]
Andrei M. Ludosan a postat o actualizare în grupul
Psihologie Judiciara Acum 10 ani, 10 luni
Pe 26 si 27 aprilie va invit la Cluj la cursul practic „Invata autohipnoza”, o metoda moderna pentru omul modern.
Va astept cu drag!
INVATA AUTOHIPNOZA este un curs practic de doua zile si primul modul al Programului „Dezvoltare Hipnotica”. Cursul isi propune sa te invete autohipnoza si autosugestia, tehnici de relaxare si de reorientare men…[Citește mai mult]
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Psihologie Judiciara Acum 10 ani, 10 luni
Four Basic Characteristics of Mass Murderers
they give little thought or concern to inevitable capture or death
they commit crime in public places
their motive is retaliatory; based in rejection, failure, and loss of autonomy
the offense is an effort to regain a degree of control over their lives -
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Psihologie Judiciara Acum 10 ani, 10 luni
There is an increasing body of empirical research demonstrating that not all batterers are alike. Categories of male batterers have been developed in order to help understand the causes of domestic violence. Holtzworth-Munroe and Stuard (1994) divided male batterers into three types based on severity of violence,…[Citește mai mult] -
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Psihologie Judiciara Acum 10 ani, 10 luni
In 1968, the American Psychiatric Association changed the label sociopath to personality disorder, antisocial. The DSM-III (APA, 1980), DSMIII-R (APA, 1987), and DSM-IV (APA, 1994, p . 645) continued to use the term antisocial personality disorder to refer specifically to…[Citește mai mult] -
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Psihologie Judiciara Acum 10 ani, 11 luni
Anda a postat o actualizare în grupul
Psihologie Judiciara Acum 10 ani, 11 luni
Examining Wounds During Autopsy
One of the greatest challenges of an autopsy is examining the wounds. The essence of the medical examiner’s job is to use his or her skill and experience to determine the true nature and cause of a particular wound. Depending on the type of wound or weapon used, this can get difficult. Dr. Kiesel talks about those d…[Citește mai mult] -
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Psihologie Judiciara Acum 10 ani, 11 luni
Jack the Ripper – Modus Operandi
Jack would typically slash the throats of his victims from left to right, then dissect them as they were dying. He would often take an organ or two as a trophy and once sent a kidney to the authorities as proof of his identity. It is reported that the body of Mary Jane Kelly was so grotesquely slaughtered that she…[Citește mai mult] -
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Psihologie Judiciara Acum 10 ani, 11 luni
There are four common typologies of serial killers:
1. Visionary Killer: This killer feels compelled to kill because of ‘voices’ in their heads or visions that tell them to do so. For example, Herbert Williams Mullin claimed to hear voices that told him a disastrous earthquake was imminent, but he could save California through murder. Mullin kil…[Citește mai mult] -
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Psihologie Judiciara Acum 10 ani, 11 luni
Serial Killers with Morbid Death Fascinations
John Wayne Gacy – worked in a mortuary, sleeping in the embalming room, alone with corpses, but was fired after corpses were found partially undressed
Dennis Nilsen – pretended he was a corpse and masturbated in the mirror to his own dead image
Jeffrey Dahmer – loved the dissection in biology class,…[Citește mai mult] -
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Psihologie Judiciara Acum 10 ani, 11 luni
Convicted serial killer, Michael Ross “The Roadside Strangler”
Executed (lethal injection) May 13, 2005
“The medical examiner found bruises on the neck with, like, three bruises on each side from the fingers, and it was unusual, he said, in his experience he has never seen that before. On normal strangulation, because your hands cramp – you don’t…[Citește mai mult] -
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Psihologie Judiciara Acum 10 ani, 11 luni
Psychological Linkage Analysis: Joseph Vacher, “The French Ripper”
An important aspect of profiling is that the profiler can often use the behavioral-psychological clues an offender leaves behind at a crime scene to link crimes together that are committed by the same offender. Sometimes it’s fairly obvious, and sometimes the clues are much more…[Citește mai mult] - Încarcă mai multe